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Honeys are not all the same
There are several FACTORS that influence the quality and constitution of honey.
Honey is understood as the food product produced by honey bees, from the nectar of flowers or secretions from living parts of plants or excretions of plant-sucking insects that remain on living parts of plants, which bees collect, they transform, combine with specific substances of their own, store and let it mature in the combs of the hive.
The best known and most common stinging bee is Apis mellifera.
But there are more than 250 species of bees native to Brazil, which do not sting!
One of them stands out in selectivity and hygiene: the JATAÍ bee
(Tetragonisca angustula ).
The elaboration, structure and storage process varies.
APIS bee
Bees collect pollen and nectar from flowers as raw material for making honey. Many plants have therapeutic properties and being a honey made only from a certain flower, it can add different nutritional values. There are blooms that are unique in certain regions.
Honeys are not all the same
Honey is understood as the food product produced by honey bees, from the nectar of flowers or secretions from living parts of plants or excretions of plant-sucking insects that remain on living parts of plants, which bees collect, they transform, combine with specific substances of their own, store and let it mature in the combs of the hive.
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