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honey, health, therapy, apitherapy
Frequently asked questions
What is the cerrado?Cerrado is the name given to the savannas of central Brazil. With an area of two million square kilometers, they cover an area the size of Alaska. Part of it is in the state of Minas Gerais, where our precious honey comes from. Climate: The Cerrados are characterized by a tropical changing climate with two clearly separated seasons. During the rainy season from October to April (summer) much of the annual rainfall of 1100 to 2000 mm falls. The dry season is from May to September. The biodiversity of the Cerrados is very large. With the expansion of the areas used for agriculture and animal husbandry, more and more of the natural flora and fauna is being lost. Only one percent of the total area is under nature protection. However, preservation can be promoted by giving the small farms the opportunity to work and earn money sustainably through beekeeping, so that they stay in their country and continue to rely on organic agriculture. The additional pollination by more bees significantly increases the quality of the plants and offers the farmers a whole new perspective. You can continue to farm organically and have an additional income from the products of beekeeping.
What is an FAQ section? (Demo)The way from Brazil to us is long, no question. And honestly:🛳 Ship freight causes fewer CO2 emissions than airplanes, but the fuel contains sulfur and the fuel oil contains sulfur and toxic metal oxides.✈️ Well, both plane and ship are currently not climate-friendly means of transport. Regional sale of a production is therefore more sustainable. However, you should look at the whole picture, because there are many aspects and situations. ⚖️ It's about the overall "environmental balance". This means: As is well known, sustainability means that existing resources are used in such a way that the generations living now can live well, but that they remain available and usable in good quality for future generations. 📊 Sustainability only makes sense as a holistic concept that includes at least the three dimensions of ecology, economy and social issues. If one of these three dimensions is not sufficiently considered, the entire balance is tipped. 🍯Germany is one of the largest consumers of honey. Unfortunately, regional production is far from sufficient to meet demand (yes, honey is not only a food to enjoy but also a nutrient-rich ally of health). Therefore, several tons are imported annually. Unfortunately, many foreign beekeepers are underpaid and sell large quantities, but they are mixed with other honeys and thus lose quality and nutritional value. ⭐️ The aspects of nature conservation, local (in Brazil) ecology, environmental protection and development as well as social issues clearly outweigh the disadvantages (e.g. the above-mentioned means of transport). In a nutshell what it looks like in Brazil for producers/beekeepers:- Ecological smallholders and family farmers get the opportunity to develop further and secure an additional income through beekeeping, which also improves the quality of the plants (through more intensive pollination of the bees). - By preserving these small and family farmers, the large monocultures that are treated with pesticides and insecticides are also avoided. We consumers are exposed to these, but the local drinking water and the people who work on the plantations are even more exposed. - In addition, many farmers dedicate part of their land (not to forget that we have completely different dimensions in Brazil than, for example, in Germany) solely to the native natural state. For environmental protection but also for the health of the soil and surrounding areas. - The local social impact gives many people a new perspective, motivation and development. Know more: International trade in the context of sustainability and How sustainable is the consumption of exotic fruits? - The bird's new nest (
What distinguishes a pure blossom honey?Various honey must have been classified by the corresponding plant species. Its composition must consist entirely or at least mainly (at least 60% is mandatory, but in our case it is always, much more) of the flower nectar of this plant. With a microscopic image of pollen, the exact type analysis of the honey is possible. This proves which nectar and which pollen of the plants are present in the honey. Here you will find the laboratory sheet with this analysis for our varieties, which are particularly pure. Studies show that bees will stay with a particular flower if it is attractive to them."Phenolic compounds are considered secondary plant metabolites responsible for pigmentation, free radical scavenging, attracting pollinators, and also as antimicrobial agents" (CHEYNIER; TOMAS-BARBERAN; YOSHIDA, 2015)."In this way, plants have high levels of these compounds, which may be transferred to the honey as the bees collect nectar" (MACHADO DE-MELO et al., 2017).This means that the special medicinal properties of the plants, which are mainly transferred to the flowers, serve to ensure the special quality and characteristics of the specific type of honey.
Can I consume the types of honey during pregnancy and breastfeeding?In summary, pregnant and breastfeeding women can safely enjoy honey like others, as long as they consume it in moderation due to its high sugar content. However, honey is taboo for children under the age of one. In the case of a cold, honey can be very beneficial and relieve symptoms, especially for pregnant women, while many medications are not an option for them. A great educational video from Explained in a little more detail:Pregnant women can safely eat honey and thus sweeten the time until the birth a little.In contrast to other raw animal products such as raw milk cheese and raw sausages, natural honey has antimicrobial properties. Therefore, there is no risk of contracting listeriosis or toxoplasmosis through honey.Honey while breastfeeding?Honey is also allowed as a food for nursing mothers. Because the spores do not pass into breast milk. Consequently, breastfeeding cannot cause botulism in the infant. However, breastfeeding mothers should make sure that their child does not accidentally ingest honey. For example, breastfeeding women should not treat sore nipples with honey. Otherwise, the child may ingest the honey while breastfeeding and could become infected with the spores.Eat honey in moderationAlthough honey has a very healthy reputation, like everyone else, pregnant women should not eat it in excessive amounts as it can raise blood sugar levels. But: Studies indicate that honey is healthier than refined sugar. Researchers suspect that the body metabolizes honey differently than sugar due to its diverse components.4-6 Therefore, it can also be beneficial for pregnant women to satisfy their cravings for something sweet with honey instead of sugar.In addition, pregnant women can use honey to relieve coughs, as initial studies suggest.7 In general, New Zealand manuka honey is particularly helpful for cold symptoms such as coughs and sore throats, as it has a particularly antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect thanks to its unique ingredients should.8 Honey can be a good choice, especially during pregnancy, since medication is often out of the question. For the most effective effect on coughs or sore throats, pregnant women can let a teaspoon of pure honey dissolve in their mouth (we recommend the mild Velame honey, in our organic quality). They should not eat or drink immediately afterwards. So you can also enjoy our products during pregnancy or while breastfeeding without having to worry :)Source of information: von
Why does honey crystallize?Honey crystallization is a natural process and a sign that the honey is untreated. It is a sign of quality and not a sign of inferiority or spoilage.- How: Honey is essentially a solution of water and various types of sugar, which also contains small amounts of many other ingredients. The sugar content is so high that at some point the sugar molecules are no longer dissolved, but combine to form sugar crystals. As a result, the initially still viscous consistency of the honey changes and becomes solid. This is a natural process that occurs sooner or later with any untreated honey.- When: When honey crystallizes depends mainly on its composition. Honey with a high percentage of glucose crystallizes earlier than honey that contains more fructose instead. This is because glucose is more difficult to dissolve in the relatively low water content of honey and then forms crystals more quickly. The storage temperature also has an influence on the crystallization of the honey. Temperatures between 10 and 18 °C promote crystal formation, while cooler and warmer temperatures can delay the process.- Not only do honeys crystallize at different speeds, they can also form crystals of different sizes. While some honeys crystallize very finely, larger crystals can form in other honeys.- ATTENTION: honey is available in supermarkets that almost never crystallizes and remains liquid. This is then a sign that the honey was exposed to high temperatures and is no longer natural. This is especially the case with types of honey that actually crystallize quickly. A lack of crystallization therefore indicates poor quality. Because higher temperatures destroy valuable ingredients in honey, which also affects the taste.- ALSO: Crystallized honey is by no means inferior. On the contrary: when a honey crystallizes, it shows that it has been left in its natural state. This is again a sign of quality. Accordingly, crystallized honey is not spoiled. It can be eaten as normal. Only if two phases form as a result of crystallization can yeasts multiply in the more liquid phase due to the higher water content and lead to the fermentation of the honey in this phase.- It is possible to make solid honey more liquid again by heating it: the temperature should be below 40 °C so as not to damage the honey's ingredients. A suitable and gentle method is the liquefaction of honey in a water bath. To do this, heat some water in a saucepan on the stove, but do not allow it to boil. Now simply place the jar of honey in the water bath until the honey has the desired consistency.It is less advisable to use the microwave to liquefy honey. Too high a temperature is reached too quickly, which destroys the ingredients of the honey.Source: ( written approved division)
How long does honey keep?Honey generally lasts for several years if stored correctly and hardly changes its properties. Storage: A study by the University of Hohenheim was able to prove that honey can be kept for more than 3 years at around 18 degrees Celsius and dry and dark storage. In Egyptian tombs, researchers have found honey that was edible even after 3,000 years, but the honey was no longer edible. Light exposure can destroy enzymes in honey. For this reason we have a light-protected packaging design. Inhibins in honey kill germs: Bees produce so-called inhibins to protect the honey and to prevent diseases in the hive. These ensure an antibiotic environment and kill germs. This also ensures that honey has a very long shelf life, since the inhibins contained in the hong hardly give any germs in the honey a chance to spread. Our pure blossom honeys have a high inhibin content. Legal requirements (food law) prescribe the labeling of food with a best-before date (BBD). Even if honey, if used correctly, can still be enjoyed and consumed for several years after the expiry date. How do I recognize spoiled honey? Honey can still ferment if used improperly or filled incorrectly. This can be recognized as a consumer by the formation of bubbles and a strong fruity and alcoholic taste. However, honey is not toxic or harmful. In some countries, fermenting honey is also consumed as a delicacy. It is ideal for baking or for the production of honey wine (mead).
Can I also order outside of Germany?Yes! Our labels are in German, but we can still ship orders worldwide. Via this link you will find further information and a form to fill out. You will receive a personal offer, tailored to your needs.
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