Vitamin donor and skin friend.
Pequi is a typical tree of the Brazilian Cerrado. The fruit is part of the local culture as a diet and in the manufacture of various products thanks to its precious oils.
The high content of polyphenols, carotenoids and especially vitamin A of this plant stand out. The resulting honey lets us experience this with a unique taste.
About the fruit of the Pequi tree:
100 grams of edible pulp contains 20,000 mg vitamin A, 12 mg vitamin C, 30 mg vitamin B, 463 mg riboflavin and 387 mg niacin (Franco, 1982). The nectar of this plant also provides components that make our honey so valuable.
According to the data, the total carotenoid content is a very high 274.9 mg/kg. In addition to carotenoids, there are also (poly) phenols, their content is 229.1 mg/kg.
The high content of polyphenols and carotenoids is always interesting: skin regeneration, anti-aging cosmetics, skin prone to inflammation and redness. Honey is also often used externally as a wound healer or cosmetic product for skin beautification and treatment. Try it out with a Pequi honey mask, or treat insect bites, wounds or skin irritations with it (non-binding suggestions).
As is well known, beauty comes from within. Enjoy this exquisite type of honey as a balm for the whole body.
The fruit is often consumed regionally, especially in typical dishes with rice and meat, but also in soups or as an additive to the cachaça. In addition, the oil obtained from it is often used for cosmetic products. It is an important part of the local culture, both for its own consumption as a source of nutrients and with the sale of the fruit and produce, it supplements the farmers' income.
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