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The land where honey flows

A lot belongs to the origin of our treasures.

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The rich biodiversity of Brazil is spread across different regions, including the Cerrado, located in the central plateau o Brazil. The cerrado biome is home to a variety of ecosystems, including dry forests, grasslands, wetlands, shrublands, savannah, gallery forests, and even wet forests. That's where our Honey Treasures come from. It is considered the second largest biome in the country, covering 21% of Brazilian territory and has a huge endemic flora with more than 500 species of medicinal plants, much appreciated by the Brazilian population for their healing properties. (Borlaug, 2002).​

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An overview

1. Cooperation

Regional beekeepers join the cooperative and have the opportunity to sell their production

at a fair price, aswell as getting teachings and work resources.

2. Partnerships

The cooperative can raise funds through partnerships to give the beekeepers full support for production with the highest quality standards. This includes training,

education, controls, support, material availability and social projects. 

3. Control

All producers are registered. Each batch is 100% traceable. A system helps beekeepers to control their bee colonies and organize locations.

4. Strategy

The production of pure flower varieties takes place through strategic placement of the bee colonies. On certain plantations, or depending on the season, certain plants are the only sources of nectar for the bees. Thus, a more than 90% single-variety honey is achieved.

5. Diligence

The beekeeper brings his honey to the central production structure. There the batch is registered, the honey is gently extracted, analysed and bottled. Every delivery is examined in a laboratory. This also includes the pollen analysis to determine the purity of the variety.

6. Gentle processing

We make sure that the conditions of our harvested honey remain similar to the honey in the beehive: Little contact with warm and humid air during bottling. Our packaging is designed to be light-protected. More on this

below, under "Quality".


We work in partnership with the cooperative COOPEMAPI (Cooperative of Beekeepers and Family Farmers from North Minas Gerais). This direct connection gives us a real insight into the regional situation and needs, as well as control and quality assurance of the products. COOPEMAPI works with the aim of offering added value to honey producers in the region. Today, approximately 340 members from 25 communities in the north of the state are involved in honey production, training, technical support and advice.  

For quality, productivity, profitability and development.  With the 3-pillar principle of planning, consulting and production control, we achieve traceability from the field to the processing unit of the product.


In this way, the beekeepers achieve a quality product, better productivity and increase their profitability.  Through such cooperation we can promote both agroecological production and beekeeping -  as a strategy for generating income and protecting the environment in the north of Minas Gerais.

Everything about the COOPEMAPI in this video: (english version available soon)

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More than fair trade

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Payment about 725% above average!

Above-average pay enables the development not only of beekeeping, but also of the rural population, as well as the promotion of nature conservation and the general structure of the region.

In recent years, the average price / kg of honey for Brazilian beekeepers has been pushed further down.  The unprofitable situation led many to give up beekeeping and the locally associated organic farming.


Our compromise to promote a balance is to guarantee a far above-average payment, which is used in many areas by the cooperative through projects and grants.

For proven quality and fractional production, our beekeepers get on average  725% more than the usual average price for large dealers, that buy the cheapest possible to use it for mixes.

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Payment about 725% above average!

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In order to ensure the quality of the products, we have strict rules and guidelines in the processing department. There are hygiene regulations and control plans.



The food technician carries out several analyzes in his own laboratory:  Pollen analysis (this way it is determined how pure the honey is)

- Physicochemical properties (color, moisture, acidity, HMF) and additional analyzes for quality control. Aswell as the analysis of phenols.



Our jar is designed to protect the honey from light/ UV rays. In addition, glass has no interaction with other substances and contributes to the avoidance of plastic.



Properly stored, honey has a very long shelf life and also retains its enzymes. Learn more here.

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Nature protection

Nature protection

Make aware and implement:

It is important to us that awareness of nature conservation not only exists and grows, but is also implemented.  Our partner cooperative puts its heart and soul into making this possible. Many of the contributors are native to the region and of course would like to see it develop.  Direct contact enables us to support each other, for example to get involved in projects together, to identify needs and work on them, and to give people and nature a chance to develop and develop sustainably.

And the result of this work can already be seen in the lives of many organic farmers in the region, who have been given a new chance to continue through beekeeping, otherwise they would hardly be able to survive because of the ever-growing monocultures.  Of course, nature also benefits from this, because the native diversity is preserved and organic production can continue.

Protecting our enviroment, sustainability and development go hand in hand.


             Bees in the structure of life

Bees occupy a key position in the ecosystem and are so deeply involved in its relationships that their absence can collapse the system. 

                   Important pollinators

Bees fly from flower to flower to collect nectar and pollen and at the same time pollinate the plants they fly to. Other pollinating insects such as butterflies, wasps, hornets and flies also contribute to pollination. In this way, they ensure that the plants are fertilized and can produce fruit and seeds. They are therefore indispensable for our ecosystem and the preservation of biological diversity. Many of the plants we humans eat depend on pollination. Besides, the quality of the yield also improves.

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Certification seals:


Giant farms

The massive monocultures have a doubly negative effect on wildlife, including bees. When traditional smallholder farms disappear, the various species adapted to these varied cultural landscapes go with them.  Bees also need retreatment places. Mega farms leave them nowhere to hide.

Use of pesticides

Another very controversial change in agriculture is the widespread use of pesticides. Today's pesticides are more targeted, more tightly controlled and generally less harmful. When used correctly, pesticides are an effective way to increase crop yields. Used incorrectly, they can have devastating effects on ecosystems and human health.

Our advantage 

The region of our organic farmers and bees is often quite hilly and unsuitable for monoculture. The soil is still very rich in nutrients. The different flowering times and regions of certain plants offer the bees a varied diet all year round. Our honeys are certified organic.

Threatened bees

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